Criminal Justice 360: The Psychology of Criminal Behaviour is an undergraduate course designed to introduce you to the psychological variables that are believed to underpin criminal behaviour. Students who work or intend to work in fields such as law enforcement, institutional or community corrections, and public or private security should find this course helpful in their work.
The relationship between police and society is fraught with challenges. On the one hand, police officers may be viewed as protecting and ensuring the safety of communities, but on the other, they may be viewed as untrustworthy and even dangerous. The purpose of CRJS 385: Policing is to establish foundational knowledge through the description and interrogation of empirical evidence and criminological theories shaping the relationships between police and the communities they serve.
This course will focus on current issues in offender rehabilitation from both a Canadian and international perspective. You will have the opportunity to examine the theoretical literature about offender rehabilitation and the practical application of that literature as we explore “what works ”. Rehabilitation will be considered across a variety of areas that contribute to offender recidivism including interventions for people who have drug addictions and those who perpetrate property offences, sexual crimes and domestic violence. This course will also consider offender rehabilitation with men and women of different ages and ethnic/cultural background and relevant professional ethics issues.
CRJS 494 C3 is a three-credit course that introduces the discipline of criminal intelligence analysis, with a specific focus on its application within policing. This course will provide a broad foundational understanding of crime analysis through an examination of its history, current theories and technologies used within the field, and through a critical understanding of the complexity of the relationship between data collection, crime analysis, and policing.