GOVN 301/POLI 301 explores the changing relationships between business, society, and government in contemporary Canada.

GOVN 301: Governance, the Public Sector and Corporate Power explores the changing relationships between business, society and government in contemporary Canada. It examines the changing patterns of governance; the privileged position of corporate Canada in society's power structure; the phenomenon of globalization and the international extension of business power; the role of the mass media in shaping culture and dominant ideas within society; the restructuring of economic and social policy; constitutional change; the marketization of the state; the transformation of citizen into customer; the increased threat to social cohesion and also considers the future of the public sector in Canada.

GOVN 377/CRJS 377/LGST 377: Issues in Access to Information and Privacy Protection explores how society grapples with the issues surrounding information access and protection of privacy. It overviews a range of access and privacy debates, including the place of surveillance, anti-terrorism measures, social networking, and the sharing of health information in a free and democratic society.

Governance 380 / HRSV 363: Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Governance is a senior-level, three-credit course that provides an overview of the nonprofit and voluntary sector. The goal of the course is to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of governance, leadership and management in the nonprofit sector in an increasingly complex environment. The course provides students with knowledge of the major conceptual and theoretical perspectives on the voluntary sector, and encourages them to apply what they are learning in a very practical way to understanding and dealing with challenges currently faced by voluntary sector leaders and managers.

Governance 390, Political Science 392 aims to give students the knowledge and analytical skills required for advanced studies in policy and administration. This course will benefit those who have chosen a career in the public service, those who simply wish to increase their awareness of public policy-making and implementation, as well as students with aspirations toward graduate studies.

Governance 400 / Political Science 400 / Human Services 400: Governance and Leadership is an undergraduate course in leadership and governance in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. The boundaries between the different sectors are becoming less defined as their influence overlaps. Regardless of the sector in which leadership acts, there are evolving external forces that influence it, including technological change, equity concerns, climate change, and Indigenous governance. These factors will all play a role in the development of new practices, governance structures, and policy development.

Governance 400 / Political Science 400 / Human Services 400: Governance and Leadership is a three-credit, senior-level course. It provides an overview and theoretical understanding of the common elements and differences that shape leadership in the public, voluntary, and private sectors and the implications of these similarities and differences for the interaction among the three sectors on public policy issues. You will have an opportunity to learn about the basic ideas and debates concerning the nature of leadership in each sector and how institutions and processes of management and governance in each sector shape the development of its leaders and their role.

In the early 1980s Western governments took measures to reduce public spending, deficits, and debt in order to restore public trust in government and streamline public service management in the era of global competition. The resulting changes in public management made the public sector organization a flatter organizational form characterized by partnerships with the private and nonprofit sectors. The outcomes have been dizzying.

Governance 440: Global Governance and Law provides the tools and concepts relevant to understanding how practices of governance function in contemporary societies and toward what ends. It overviews some of the central debates on global governance and international law, especially in regard to violence and the use of force, human rights, economic transactions, and the environment.

Governance 450/Global Studies 450: Public Budgeting and Financial Management in a Globalized World is a senior-level, three-credit course that examines the theory and practice of public budgeting and financial management in an era of globalization from a multidisciplinary perspective. The course conveys an understanding of the purposes and roles of budgeting in public organizations and examines the major trends including political, economic, and financial considerations involved in budgeting. Students will also explore the impact of globalization on the governance capacity of governments and discuss the implications of globalization on budgeting.